Friday, December 2, 2016

English for Teaching Bahasa in Foreign Countries


A.    Course Identity and Description
Course Name  : English for Teaching Bahasa in Foreign Country
Course Time    : 24 meetings in 12 weeks
  100 minutes/meeting
Instructor(s)    : 1. Dinda Rahma Faiza
                          2. Kasmundari
                          3. Raju Kurniawan
                          4. Mimi Zulaimi
B.     Course Description
The course is design to build the learners’ speaking skill for teaching Bahasa in foreign countries. This course concerned on improving self-confidence, pronunciation and vocabulary building to be more active, responsive, and skillful. The learners are required to be able to teach Bahasa for their prospective foreign students by using English. The aims of this course are to get the learners being able to: differ formal and informal communication in use based on the situation; differ written and spoken language in use; and teach Bahasa in a foreign country using English.

C.    Course Syllabus
a.      Competencies
1)      Being able to communicate in formal and informal situation
2)      Being able to communicate in spoken and written language
3)      Being able to convey meaning using English in order to teach Bahasa

b.      Materials/Topics
1)      Formal and informal communication
2)      Spoken and written language
3)      Language in use for communicating
a.       Information delivering
b.      Fact and opinion
c.       Implication
d.      Definition and description
e.       Persuasion and recommendation
f.       Cause and effect
g.      Comparison
h.      Complain and praise
4)      Teaching Bahasa in English
a.       Introducing Indonesia
b.      Conveying culture-based text’s ideas
c.       Conveying EYD ideas
d.      Conveying ideas through four language skills
e.       Comprehending universal and Indonesian literatures

c.       Teaching Methods
1)      Discussion
2)      Role play
3)      Modeling
4)      Audiovisual

d.      Media/Resources
1)      Related books and e-books
2)      Videos of case examples
3)      Conversation tapes and scripts

e.       Evaluation & Grading
Class Participation
Individual Practices
Group Practices

f.       References (Required & Suggested)
1)  Lougheed, L. (2004). How to prepare for the TOEIC test: Test of English for interational communication. Ciputat: Barron’s
2)  Astuti, E. M. (2013). Get along with English. Jakarta: Erlangga
3)  Any related sources; e.g, youtube and google

D.    Course Outline
Introduction and pre-test
Describing how to teach in English in general
Doing pre-test to measure learners’ background knowledge
Class discussion
Written and spoken pre-test
Formal and informal communication
Distinguishing formal and informal communication based on the contexts
Class discussion
Individual practices
Spoken and written language
Distinguishing spoken and written language based on the contexts
Class discussion
Oral question
Individual and group practices
Information delivering
Asking and giving information
Individual practices
Fact and opinion
Asking and giving opinion and fact
Class discussion
Individual and group practices
Giving an implication
Class discussion
Individual practices
Definition and description
Defining something to other people
Describing something to other people
Class discussion
Individual and group practices
Persuasion and recommendation
Practicing how to persuade someone or some groups and how to recommend something to someone
Individual practices
Cause and effect
Explaining cause and effect
Class discussion
Individual and group practices
Comparing and contrasting some issues
Individual practices
Complain and praise
Complaining something to someone
Praising someone about something
Individual and group practices
Review all the topics given
Individual applied test
Spoken and written test
Arranging schedule in English
Negotiating to  arrange an appropriate schedule
Role play
Individual practices
Teaching Bahasa in English: Introducing Indonesia
Introducing Bahasa and Indonesian culture characteristics to foreign students
Individual and group practices
Conveying culture-based text’s ideas
Describing how to teach texts which contain Indonesian culture to the prospective foreign students
Practicing  how to teach texts which contain Indonesian culture to the prospective foreign students
Role play
Group practices
Conveying EYD ideas
Conveying appropriate EYD based on the context to the prospective foreign students
Applying  appropriate EYD based on the context to the prospective foreign students
Role play
Group practices
Conveying ideas through listening and speaking class
Selecting appropriate materials for listening and speaking Bahasa using English
Choosing appropriate materials for listening and speaking Bahasa using English
Deciding the appropriate materials for listening and speaking Bahasa using English
Role play
Group practices
Conveying ideas through reading class
Selecting appropriate materials for reading Bahasa using English
Choosing appropriate materials for reading Bahasa using English
Deciding the appropriate materials for reading Bahasa using English
Audiovisual Role play
Group practices
Conveying ideas through writing class
Selecting appropriate materials for writing Bahasa using English
Choosing appropriate materials for writing Bahasa using English
Deciding the appropriate materials for writing Bahasa using English
Audiovisual Role play
Group practices
Comprehending poem and prose
Discussing the appropriate approaches to teach Indonesian poem and prose in English
Individual  practices
Comprehending poem and prose
Practicing how to teach  Indonesian poem and prose in English
Role play
Group practices
Discussing all the materials so far
Class Discussion
Individual and group practices
Teaching practice
Individual performance
Spoken test
Review and post-test results discussion
Discussing all the topics in the course
Reviewing all the topics in the course
Discussing and comparing the results of pre-test and post-test
Class discussion


Material for 5th Meeting

Topic       : Fact and opinion
Indicator : Asking and giving opinion and fact
Time        : 100 minutes

Learning steps:
1.      Initial activities: Recognizing a fact and an opinion

Fact vs. Opinion
A fact is a statement that can be proven or checked.  A fact may include supporting evidence, such as statistics or quotations from a recognized expert.
An opinion is a statement that tells what the writer thinks, believes, or feels about a subject.  It cannot be proved true or false.  Look for some of these words to signal an opinion:  according to, I think, in my opinion, perhaps, seem, ought to, should, must, bad, good, better, worse, excellent, terrible.  A writer may use words that appeal to the reader’s emotions.  A statement that you agree with is not necessarily a fact.

Warming Up Quiz
It’s a Fact, or Opinion?

1.      Teachers should be allowed to smack children if they misbehave.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
2.      The Government organises a census of the whole population every ten years.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
3.      The library contains fiction and nonfiction books.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
4.      Access courses are designed to prepare students for higher education.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
5.      Finding somewhere to live is a long and frustrating business.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
6.      You can hear all the news you need to know from the BBC Radio 1 news team.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
7.      This book is an enjoyable story of life in a small village.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
8.      Nine out of ten who completed the survey answered the questions correctly.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
9.      I think public opinion will change over time.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
10.  According to the latest survey, families are purchasing more household items on credit.
A) Fact
B) Opinion

Now, how do you teach your prospective foreign students about fact and opinion in Bahasa? Try to translate questions above!
(After students translate the fact and opinion above, they’ll find that either in English or Bahasa, a fact remains a fact, an opinion remains an opinion.)

2.      Main activities: Asking and giving a fact and an opinion
a.       Asking for fact and opinion
·         In asking a fact, we can use any question words, whether it is WH questions or yes/no questions.
·         In asking an opinion, here’s some alternative words that can be used:
-          What do you think ________?
-          What is in your mind ________?
-          What is your opinion ________?
-          What is your comment ________?
-          Do you think ________?

Assignment 1
Listen to the dialogues read by the instructor. Identify the questions of fact and opinion there. Then, translate them to Bahasa using the right EYD (in formal) and the casual language (in informal).

b.      Giving a fact and opinion
·         Stating a fact can use any method, as long as the statement is true and can be verified objectively or proven. In other words, a fact is a piece of information that can be strictly defined and proved true.
·         Giving an opinion can be alternated by using one of these words:
As far as I’m concerned
I agree with/I disagree with
I am certain that
I am positive that
I assume
I believe
I can see the point, but
I consider
I don’t know if
I don’t know whether
I suppose
I think
I think ____ is a good idea
I don’t think ___ is a good idea because
I’m against ____ because
I’m for ____ because
I’m in favor of ____ because
In my opinion
In my view
It is clear to me
It seems to me
Personally, I think
The advantage of ____ is that
The disadvantage of ____ is that
To me

Assignment 2
In pairs, make dialogues based on the situations given below. Practice one of them in front of the class.
1.      You just arrive at an airport in London from Indonesia. You have an address of your destination in hand, but you don’t know where it exactly is and how to get there. You ask a stranger to help you.
2.      You are a new Bahasa teacher in a private school in Manhattan. You live in a staff dormitory and have a neighbor who has taught in this school for years. You ask her/him about the school and some advises for teaching.
3.      Your foreign student has some difficulties in pronouncing some Bahasa words. He/she comes to you to ask for your help.

3.      Closing activities: Conclusion
Instructor wraps the lesson for that day. Students are asked to give conclusion and real life examples of the lesson.


English for Teaching Bahasa in Foreign Countries
Progress Test

Time: 100 minutes for test and discussion

Reading and Writing Section
Write down your answer for number 1-2.Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d for number 3-4!
1.      What is the suitable expression for this dialogue?
A : Excuse me. (…………….)
B : The public library? Let me see. Oh yes, of course i know. It is in Rajawali Road.
A : Is the near here?
B : You just go along this street until you come to the first traffic light. Then turn left.
A : Thank you
2.      Describe this picture.

3.      What is the negative implication of marijuana?
A.      It is good for cooking flavor.
B.       Those are cannabidiol (CBD) — which seems to impact the brain without a high— and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — which has pain relieving properties.
C.       Weaken the immune system, increasing susceptibility to infections.
D.      treatment of nausea in patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy and to stimulate appetite in patients with wasting syndrome due to AIDS.

Junaidi had booked a room at the hotel. When they arrived at the hotel the receptionist said all the hotel rooms are full. He filed a complaint on a hotel employee.
Junaedi   : Excuse me, Could you give me the key for room 101 that I booked last week ?
Clerk      : May I know your name, sir?
Junaedi   : Juneadi Roberts. I booked for a single room last week.
Clerk      : I am sorry, sir. But we have no record of your booking.
Junaedi   : Well, I am afraid I have to make a complaint about this. I booked the room myself a week ago. I  have a payment invoice to prove it. I want to speak to your manager, please.
4.      What is the clerk response to Junaedi complaint?
A.      May I know your name, sir?
B.       I am sorry, sir. But we have no record of your booking.
C.       Excuse me, Could you give me the key for room 101 that I booked last week ?
D.      Well, I am afraid I have to make a complaint about this. I booked the room myself a week ago. I  have a payment invoice to prove it. I want to speak to your manager, please.

Speaking Section
1.         There will be a 2 minute interview with the teacher.
2.         There is a possible score of 10 points. It is worth 20% of your final grade.
3.         There will be two sections: Introduction and free response. In the introduction section,  students will be asked some questions about themselves. In free response students will be answered orally.
4.         You will have one to two minutes to talk about this topic.
5.         You will have one minute to prepare what you are going to say.

5.      Look at this Picture
Give a suitable expression to give an opinion based on the picture.
6.      You should have known myth of Malin Kundang. What do you thing about the story?
7.      Compare and contrast these pictures orally in front of the class.




  1. So, apparently we had made a mistake by uploading the wrong file. Here’s the right one. Pardon us for this inconvenience. .-.v

  2. For the course I think it is really good. The course was organized well and it is coherence each other. Then, for the content it is appropriate. Next, material for the fifth meeting I am just curious in your main activities, there is the assignment for the students to listen what the teacher said, I just want to know why you don’t put the material or the dialogue, I think it is good for you to include the dialogue in your syllabus although the instruction “listen the dialogue was read by the instructor” if you put the dialogues I think it is be better. Actually the material is good and really interesting but why don’t include the assessment for your material. I think it is important for you to include the assessment to know their understanding but overall you did it very well 

    1. Thank you Ika for the comment. Actually we have downloaded the video which will be taught in the 5th meeting but haven't posted it yet. The video that we have gained from a native speaker i.e British. This video entitled How to Express your opinion by Rebecca and Distinguishing fact and opinion by Marc Franco. After watching and hearing those videos, they will be asked to do next instruction. It is our carelessness, so sorry for that.

  3. I think this course is great. You can serve your materials well, you can organize in each point. But, for course outline, I think it's better for you if you put the references in the table besides evaluation, in order to make your students be easier to find sources in each meeting "first meeting, they use this book". Then, materials for fifth meeting, in my opinion, you have to put learning objectives clearly. Over all, your course is good.

    1. Well, thank you Weni. We catch the point. Actually we want to put the references in the table but we have considered that we have already wrote it into References outlining. Once again, thank you for the comment.

  4. In my opinion, this course is good enough. You create the material as complete as possible based on the learners need. However, I am just concerned in evaluation and grading. You put the same percentage for each aspect. Due to so many assignments that included in this course, from my own perception, group and individual practices have difficulties in different level. Is it possible to grade them equally (same percentage)? Well, I think it is not fair enough.

    1. Wow! Thank you very much Erni for the comment. Yeah, it is possible because the same percentage will help them who get the lowest score in an assignment then the other scores will increase the score equally each other. Did you ever felt when you get the lowest score for instance, in the Final Test Semester while you get the highest score in the other aspects e.g., class participation, individual task, group discussion, and so on and so far.

  5. by looking at the whole of your syllabus, i think this is organized well and really great. you do perfectly in establishing the materials of fifth meeting. but, i think you have minimized the assignment. i means that it would be better if you just use the second assignment but you add the direction become write the dialogue in formal and informal form based on the situation and practice it in front of class. then, if it is not possible to make the situation which was mentioned, i think you have to find another one so in here the students can also distinguish formal and informal form. so, it will minimize the time and you get both speaking and writing, or formal and informal language in one time. well, you have done your best and created a good one.

    1. Yay!! Thank you very much Amah for the word 'perfectly' haha we got speechless to read it. Anyway, we are going to create 'another one' without need to attach here, did you remember of the word 'hidden' that's why we don't attach any various situation here. 'Something' as well as 'hidden' is going to applied in the class. Thank you!

  6. yours are constructed well-done. But, same as Ika's opinion, where's the dialogue's assignment? is it the progress test you mean as the assignment? in my opinion, it'll be better if you set the assignment text below the instructions. Thanks. I learn a lot from you

    1. Wow! 'learn a lot by us?' and don't you think we have learned a lot by y'all as well? Much thank you, Yola.

  7. I think your course is quite enough. You create this material such as exercise and so on as good as possible. I want to give a comment or suggestion to your syllabus and your course. In your course, you just include a little exercise that relate to a techer. As I can see, you create syllabus forfor teaching bahasa. In my opinion, you should include many exercises that relate to language teaching in order to make your students understanding about language teaching. For addition, in speaking section number six. You have written wrong vocabulary. You write "thing", it should be written think, not thing.

    1. Yes Danil, we catch the point indeed. We just think it is not possible if we attach the whole exercise here. For your information, the exercise is not 'little' as you imagine. We have many exercises include quiz section which means 'it is exercise' as well. Anyway, thanks.

  8. I think your course syllabus is good enough. But, I agree with Weni's opinion that it should be better for you to put the references in the table of course outline to make the student easier to find the material that they need in particular meeting. Besides that, the students can also prepare themselves by reading the material from the references before they come to the class. In addition, in the first meeting, it would be better if you also give the introduction of the course to give the picture about what the student will be done in follow this class. After you give information about the activities that will they do in 24 meetings, then you can give the description on how to teach English in general same as that you have served in indicator of the first meeting.

    1. Alright Indah. We will consider to put the references in the table sooner. Much thank you for the critic, nice ones.

  9. ok, here is the right one.Probably, I'll just give a comment for the fifth meeting cause I've done to give comment on your syllabus. well, you conducted your own material systematically. but from what I saw, this course have deserved lot of assignment in one meeting. i suggest you to make a situation of class is not only focus to asses but also their creativity to share their idea related to the topic. overall, this course is good

  10. Woow..!! the great course syllabus! but, I have a suggesstion for this one. I think your syllabus is more complete if you include there the course objective or course goals. so, we can know more clearly the goals of the students based on the syllabus that you have done. one more, as our friends mentioned above about the references, I think that is very important one. so don't forget to put there. thanks..

  11. You did it very good. The product, I mean your syllabus is very simpe but much appropriate for the learners. Easy enough to understand and the design is "clean". I see that you are really considering the learners' need in conducting this syllabus. You say that this syllabus is used to increase the speaking skill and self-confidence, vocabulary and pronounciation are your focus. To cover all those needs, you put many individual tests or practices in your evaluation which will stimulate the learners to speak up. The effect is their pronounciation, vocabulary and self-confidence will increase. You are wise in selecting the activity. But I agree with weni that you have to put your references for each materials you used. It will be very helpful for the learners I think. Especially for independent type of learners. They will be easy to find out the lesson by themselves.

  12. for this group, you have created your own syllabus well. This is great syllabus. But, here i have same opinion with Erni. Why don't you make difference precentage in individual and group presentation? Because we know that, sometimes not only all of students are able in both of them.. but that's only suggestion, you have make good syllabus actually guys.

  13. I think it is a good syllabus. In this moment, perhaps, I just give few comments about this one. I think the syllabus should include references in their course outline. In addition, I also suggest that in the course outline which has activities by using audiovisual. Audiovisual means that learning by what we look and hear. I think it’s better to make what kind that median, such as video, TV, Youtube and so on. So make it more specific in the course outline. Thanks.

  14. I think, the syllabus is well-oganized. From the first until the end of content of syllabus. Yet, it is about course time you put in this syllabus in which 100 minutes in one meeting that takes too long time for students. Indeed, it involves some materials which are suitable with. Then, you may create source column in your table in order to make it clearly. Overall, this syllabus is proper to use. Thank you. :)

  15. This syllabus is very good. You created the material appropriately and the design is clear. But in my addition, why didn't you put the references in the table (course outline)? Because if there is no, I think it will difficult for the student to search and learn what the material that will be discuss in the meeting.

  16. I think this is a very good and clear syllabus. your group set out a clear and complete purpose to be achieved by the course. the material sequencing is suitable since providing a general material to the specific one. more over the method is variated giving the student a chance to get involve in the study and be able to increasing their confident such what the course aim to do. for your 5th material, I agree with Tiara, I think it will be better to give them less assignment since your activities stated in the course outline is class discussion. after all this is a very good and clear syllabus.
